Guacamole plate with tortilla chips

Is Guacamole Vegan?

Guacamole is a delicious and healthy snack that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. But s it vegan? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this beloved spread to clear up the confusion. What Does “Vegan” Mean? First and foremost, let’s define what a “vegan” means exactly.  A vegan…

Taco plate with lime cut in half illustrates blog "Do Tacos Have Cheese?"

Do Tacos Have Cheese?

Tacos are simple, tasty, and can be customized in countless ways to suit any palate. However, one question that has divided taco lovers everywhere is whether or not tacos should have cheese. Some argue that cheese is an essential ingredient, while others believe it takes away from the true essence of a taco. In today’s…

Composition with Mexican molcajete filled with salsa, chili pepper, and lime illustrates blog "Are Carnitas Spicy?"

Are Carnitas Spicy?

Carnitas are a well-known Mexican dish, made with slow-cooked pork. The flavorful dish is a favorite for many people, but some are hesitant to try it, as they’re concerned about its spiciness. After all, that’s one of the reasons Mexican food is famous! But are carnitas really spicy? Keep reading to find out. Are Carnitas…

Closeup of woman holding burrito illustrates blog "Are Burritos Mexican?"

Are Burritos Mexican?

Burritos have become a fast food staple in many parts of the world, but are they actually Mexican? In this blog post, we will explore the origins of burritos, their connection to Mexican culture, and how they have evolved over time. Are Burritos Mexican? Yes! In fact, burritos are one of the most popular dishes…

Photo of woman holding cup of coffee illustrates blog "Chilaquiles, a traditional Mexican dish made with tortilla chips, salsa, cheese, and other toppings, have become a beloved comfort food for many. It's no secret that this dish is commonly eaten for breakfast in Mexico but is it considered a breakfast dish? The answer may surprise you."

Are Chilaquiles a Breakfast Dish?

Chilaquiles, a traditional Mexican dish made with tortilla chips, salsa, cheese, and other toppings, have become a beloved comfort food for many. It’s no secret that this dish is commonly eaten for breakfast in Mexico but is it considered a breakfast dish? The answer may surprise you. Origins of Chilaquiles The origins of chilaquiles can…

Plate of chilaquiles with fork.

Can You Reheat Chilaquiles?

Chilaquiles is a Mexican breakfast staple made with fried tortilla chips and a delicious, spicy sauce. It’s a perfect meal for anyone who loves a little bit of spiciness and crunchiness in their breakfast. But what happens when you have leftover chilaquiles? Can you reheat chilaquiles? Keep reading to discover the answer.  Can You Reheat…

Eggs in basket illustrate blog "Do Huevos Rancheros Have Meat?"

Do Huevos Rancheros Have Meat?

A traditional Mexican breakfast dish, huevos Rancheros is both filling and flavorful. However, many people wonder if this dish contains meat. In this blog post, we will answer this question, and share some cool facts about huevos rancheros. Do Huevos Rancheros Have Meat? Huevos Rancheros is traditionally made without any meat. A Typical huevos rancheros…